Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Qt Solutions, please help yourself

Are you aware that Nokia has launched Qt Solutions? Please refer to the Qt Solutions Catalog and you'll be surprised about the components and tools available there that can be used along Qt just to improve and enhance the cross-platform applications you develop.

While some of those components from time to time eventually end up into the Qt mainstream source code (Qt State Machine, SSL sockets for instance), some remain as separate elements. I will describe just a few components from that catalog I think are worth mentioning:
  • Service from time to time you develop a server application and you want it to be a Windows service or a *nix daemon?
  • Single Application are the requirements calling to support for applications that can be only started once per user?
  • SOAP  Are you afraid that the world of webservices is only available to Java applications? Think it twice
  • MML Widget Working with scientific applications that need to handle MathML 2.0? You'll be please to render it in a snap.
  • Property Browser Enable your users to edit your application's set of properties easily.
  • Pie Menu Provide fancy circular context menues that can even have support for keyboard navigation.
This is a quick glimpse at the solutions available from Nokia that can be integrated into your Qt development. I hope that you refer to the catalog when in need for proven components that will save you time while providing your applications with enhanced features. Enjoy!

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